Manufacturability Testing Results
Manufacturability Testing Results
During the generation of the routings, Global Edge Engineering Assistant automatically determines if the sheet metal part can be successfully fabricated with each of the routing steps. For example, with the “Press Brake Bending Operation”, the software automatically determines whether the sheet metal part can be successfully bent comparing the CAD Part Parameters with the matching Bend Process. This includes the automatic execution of a “Manufacturability Test” that allows the engineer to view the test results:
The Global Edge system automatically performs manufacturability tests on your sheet metal CAD parts by utilizing analysis and importation capabilities that compare CAD part parameters with matching Standard Bend Processes to determine if a sheet metal part can be successfully on the shop floor before leaving engineering.
The above and below example includes 22 tests that were performed on the selected part. The highlighted test below (Minimum Down Pem Gap) detected a warning that “Feature Within Warning Gap”. The matching Bend Process for the sheet metal part requires the Minimum Down Pem Gap is at least 1.500000 inches from the nearest bend line. The detected gap with the selected sheet metal part is 1.800000 inches, which indicates the gap is allowable. However, a Warning Message is detected because ideally with the matching Bend Process indicates that the Minimum Down Pem Gap should ideally be at least 2.000000 inches.
When a manufacturability test fails one or more tests, the engineer can make the appropriate change(s) to the necessary 3D CAD Sheet Metal Model and repeat the Manufacturability Test until the errors are corrected. Global Edge Engineering Assistant provides an innovative software tool that helps eliminate shop floor rework by getting things right the first time before a part reaches the shop floor.