Global Edge Documentation
1.3 - Install / Configure ODBC Driver Software
Below are the following procedures for installing the IBM-Informix ODBC Driver software (Version 4.10):
1.3.01 - Install IBM Informix ODBC Driver Version 4.10
Step 1: Access the following folder:
“GlobalEdge > deployment > IBM-Informix > IBM-Informix-ODBC-Drivers > IBM-Informix-Client-SDK-4.10 > 64bit > clientsdk.4.10.FC6DE.WIN”
“GlobalEdge > deployment > IBM-Informix > IBM-Informix-ODBC-Drivers > IBM-Informix-Client-SDK-4.10 > 64bit > clientsdk.4.10.FC6DE.WIN”
Step 2: Double click on “installclientsdk.exe”:
Step 3: Select “Next >” option on below screen:
Step 4: Select “I accept the terms in the license agreement”, then select “Next” option on below screen:
Step 5: Select “Next” option on following screen the create the default directory listed:
Step 6: Select “Next” option on following screen for a “Typical” software installation:
Step 7: Select “Install” option to continue with software installation:
Step 8: The following screen will display as the IBM Informix Client SDK software is installed:
Step 9: Select “No” followed by “Next” option when the following screen is displayed:
Step 10: When the following screen is displayed, select the “Done” option:
1.3.02 - Setup IBM Informix ODBC Driver Version 4.10
Step 1: Access Windows 11 Control Panel:
Windows 11
Windows 11
Step 2: Select “Windows Tools” option in Windows Control Panel and select “ODBC Data Sources (64-bit)” option:
Step 3: Select “Add or Configure” option when the following screen is displayed:
Step 4: Select “IBM INFORMIX ODBC DRIVER” driver followed by the “Finish” option when the following screen is displayed:
Step 5: Enter the “Data Source Name” and “Description” in the “General” screen tab:
Windows 11
Windows 11
Step 6: Enter the following values in the “Connection” screen tab:
Windows 11
Windows 11
Step 7: Select the “Apply & Test Connection” option and the following prompt should appear if the ODBC connection is successful: