CAD / ERP / Shop Floor Integration
Blog Post 8.01.02 - Integrate CAD and ERP with Shop Floor
Utilize innovative software technology to integrate CAD and ERP with Shop Floor. Read More ...
Global Edge Video Blog-8.01

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Integrate CAD and ERP with Shop Floor
Global Edge Engineering Assistant provides an innovative approach to integrate CAD and ERP with the shop floor. This starts with an "Engineering & Manufacturing Data Warehouse" that is the foundation of Global Edge Engineering Assistant. This is coupled with a SolidWorks CAD Interface and a Configurable ERP Interface that integrates both CAD and ERP software including two-way integration with CAM and MES software.
This delivers an engineering and manufacturing information infrastructure that delivers accurate and timely information when and where needed. Features and benefits provided by Global Edge Engineering Assistant include:
This delivers an engineering and manufacturing information infrastructure that delivers accurate and timely information when and where needed. Features and benefits provided by Global Edge Engineering Assistant include:
- Single Version of Truth Engineering & Manufacturing Data Warehouse
- Dynamic, Real-Time Link Between CAD and ERP
- Filtering Capabilities that Eliminate Duplication of Information
- Two-Way Integration with CAM and MES
Provide Accurate Information Throughout Manufacturing Enterprise
To see a demonstration as to how Global Edge Engineering Assistant can increase your engineering capacity, click on the link below to schedule a software demonstration.